Djaal Au'Zjaariel

Commander of the Silverwing Sky Pirates
"Don't expect a gentle flight. If there's one thing you're gonna learn fast, it's that I don't do gentle."
Darkness-shrouded Djeghur Duskblade turned swaggering Silverwing Sky Pirate, Djaal Au'Zjaariel is a fighter first, a debaucherer second, and a captain... Somewhere inappropriately far down the list. In spite of this, he commands the half-functional Allagan airship Argentaevis across the open skies in search of fortune, adventure, and rampant hedonistic pursuits in the name of love, lust, and vengeance.

Name: Djaal Au’Zjaariel
Race: Au Ra, Xaela, tribe Djeghur
Age: 37
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Pansexual
Homeland: Gyr Abania Djeghur camp (destroyed)
Occupation: Sky Pirate Commander, mercenary, treasure hunter
Jobs: Duskblade (DRK), Culinarian, dabbling Machinist
Likes: Gourmet cuisine, expensive liquor, wild sex, swordplay, baths and hot springs, salamander oil, cooking, loud music, long-lasting pomades, elaborate profanity.
Hates: Garlemald, bad food, bad hygiene, serious and prudish people, having his hairstyle insulted. Tonberries.Quick Bio:
Born into the wandering mercenary tribe Djeghur, Djaal's home and people were destroyed in the Garlean occupation.
Like so many of those displaced from the war, Djaal turned to banditry, joining a gang of similar-minded Ala Mhigan youths by the name of Rhalgr's Ruffians, known for their distinctive hairstyle he still keeps to this day.
Rhalgr's Ruffians were eventually broken up by an unforunate encounter with the Sultansworn, seeing many of them killed and Djaal imprisoned, eventually finding his way to the bloodsands. As he was making a name for himself as a gladiator, his freedom was unexpectedly bought by the notorious Ul'Dahn smuggler Dondarabilla, who pressed him into her service to clear his debt. His work for Dondarabilla saw him navigate the Ul'Dahn criminal underworld for years, eventually expanding into working for the criminal enterprise's shipping interests in Limsa Lominsa, primarily working with the Bloody Executioners.
By the time his debt had been repaid, Djaal had grown accustomed to the pirate's life and signed on with Hyllfyr's boarding parties. He lasted three years with the Executioners before internal strife brought him to instead work with the Kraken's Arms. He was characterized at this time by his fierce close-quarters combat ability, and in particular his skill at fighting Garlean Warmachina, which he demonstrated strikingly at Carteneau. This specialty was what eventually led to his being recommended as a temporary fighter for the Silverwing Sky Pirates on board the airship Argentaevis as a favor from Carvallain to Velletinoix Silverwing. When the quick and torrid relationship blossomed between Djaal and Velletinoix his post became permanent.
Djaal served faithfully as Velletinoix's squad commander for two years before the Imperial Caelum Custodes shot down the Argentaevis, killing all but two members of its crew. Djaal took on the life of an adventurer, exploring shards of Dalamud and other Allagan ruins to secure parts to repair the Argentaevis. When he finally succeeded, the ship took flight again and he became the leader of the reborn Silverwings. Though Captain in all functions, he still reserves that title for his deceased lover, and continues to only answer to the title "Commander."

Sexuality: Pansexual (top)
Relationships: Polyamorous (Monogamy will never happen)
Role: Aggressive dominant, occasional switch
Key kinks (non exhaustive): Ass play, anal training, oral(all), rough sex, spanking, biting, bondage, primal/prey, kissing, outfit playERP Medium Preferences: Discord (primarily), In game (sometimes potentially)ERP type preferences: Usually
I like to start with a one-night stand scenario and then see if we want to keep going and figure out the vibe. In extended story RP sex is always a welcome part of it, and one that Djaal will often characteristically pursue regardless of success.Irreverent and aggressive, Djaal will likely let you know if he’s interested in fucking within your first five minutes of meeting. Whether or not you take him up on that is up to you; he’s very easily distracted and will move on from the uninterested. His disregard for social niceties means he has no issue with playing in odd or public settings, whether that’s an unoccupied market stall or the burnt out cockpit of a partially destroyed warmachina.

DuskbladeOne of the last survivors of the extant Xaela mercenary tribe Djeghur, exiled in the belief that they were given a sacred mission by the Dusk Mother to wander the world to fight for foreign coin, as “hunters of war.”Djaal had just become recognized as one of its eleven elite Duskblade warriors shortly before the tribe was massacred and subsequently disbanded by Garlemald’s invading forces.
Enforcing the will of the equal-numbered Nighseers, the Duskblades were a zealous, tradition-led, and secretive order that wielded massive greatswords empowered with dark aether, ostensibly in the service of the goddess Nhaama in furthering their tribe’s goals. Their strength and aetheric reserves were uncanny and often had them mistaken on the battlefield for voidsent hosts.As the newest and youngest initiate into the Duskblades prior to their destruction, Djaal was neither their strongest warrior nor a master of their art, but even those crudely-honed abilities have served him well over his years as a bandit, mercenary, and pirate.Neither a traditionalist nor a devout by any measure, the Djaal of today has completely removed himself from the trappings and ritual of his dead order, excepting the martial abilities he gained therein. If you ask him about his time in tribe Djeghur he’s much more likely to talk your ear off about their unique onion-centric cuisine.

Silverwing CommanderWhile Djaal served many captains and many ships, becoming a pirate leader was never something he’d expected, much less one in command of an ancient, technologically advanced airship. But circumstances and sentiment led him to being exactly that.
Founded by the rogue Ishgardian archaeologist Velletinoix Silverwing to avenge the death of his brother, the Silverwing Sky Pirates were a daring group of corsairs operating under the auspices of the Galadion accord, taking on the Garleans in their preferred battlefield of the sky and reaping the spoils. This feat was mostly made possible due to the ship Velletinoix commanded, an experimental refurbished Allagan dragonslaying vessel codenamed Argentaevis. Djaal first came into the service of the Silverwings as a hired blade, but as love and lust ignited between him and Velletinoix, he remained and came to become the commander of the ship’s boarding parties.
This legend came to an end when a coordinated attack by the Imperial Caelum Custodes saw the Argentaevis crashed and nearly every member of its crew slaughtered. As one of the only survivors along with the ship’s mechanic, Lierrelle Bluestorm, Djaal made it his mission to see the ship take flight again to carry on the legacy and memory of his lost love.
After a year of adventuring for parts, coin, and favors, the ship finally was brought to the air once more.
The Argentaevis was a shadow of what it once was as far as tech and firepower. The new skeleton crew consisted of naught but the ship’s two survivors and a pair of crazed goblins. On top of that, every enemy the Silverwings made along the way remained out for their blood. But while Djaal is perhaps less than an ideal leader in training and temperament, he’s nothing if not stubborn and reckless, so he continues to charge headlong into the revival of the Silverwing Sky Pirates.